I was asked by my friend and fellow blogger
Crystal to link up with her blog and Royal's for a "Day in the Life" blog post.
This was my super BUSY past Friday!
- 645am- Wake up, shower and get ready for the day! I haven't really set an alarm in over a week so this was rough :)
- 730am Go get Ella up and feed her breakfast. Leftover fruit from Andrew's birthday party the night before and half a waffle. Then get Ella dressed. She is a little confused because normally Andrew gets her up and they watch George for a little bit in bed before they get going but we have places to be today!
- 750- Leave the house and take Ella over to my mom's house. She realizes half way to Nana's where we are going and she keeps saying YAY! Nana! She is normally at Nana's during the week but since Andrew and I had been off all week she hasn't seen Nana all week! Andrew was to do the yard work while we were gone.
Ella on her 'laptop' on the way to Nana's
- 830-1030- Got a new haircut and color. Love it! Perfect way to start the day!

- 1040- Run by the Dollar Store and get yellow and pink gift wrap for Ella's presents. Andrew thinks I'm a tad obsessive that her wrapping paper matches the theme of her party.
- 1045- Take a baby gift to a friend and meet her precious baby boy Dixon for the first time! He was so tiny and cute! It was hard to believe my wild 2 year old used to be that small :)
- 1100- Run back to my mom's house. Ella is playing outside and saying EAT! EAT! I ask her if she wants to go to Delightful Dishes and just like her mama it's a big YES! It's so funny every time we ride by there she points out the window and says EAT! EAT! By this point she is crying and screaming EAT! EAT! We get everything in the car and we are off!
- 1120- She is totally a different child once we pull in. She is so happy now to be there to eat! I have my usual Henny Penny with broccoli salad and my mom gets the quiche. I get Ella a banana and oatmeal fruit cup and then we give her some of both of our plates. However all she wants is the crackers in the basket. Once we finish our yummy desserts, she accidentally knocks over her plate and food goes all over floor. She exclaims, "Mess!Mess!". We get it all cleaned up and then pick up a to go order for Kimberly and a meal for a friend that recently had a baby.
- 1240- We get to Kimberly's house and drop off her to go plate from Delightful Dishes. She is sewing Ella's pennant banner for the party and I drop off the hot glue gun so she can finish making some other decorations. Ella loves going to MiMi's house because she has 3 kid rocking chairs and Ella just goes back and forth between the three. Ella then goes to MiMi's bedroom to see if her 'bed' (pack in play) is still there from where she spent the night with them the weekend before. She throws her hands up and she looks all over the room for it LOL. I think she had a good time with them!
Here's how the pennants looked at the party! |
- 1300- We drop Ella off back at my house with Andrew. Andrew is still outside working and looks confused on why she is back. Obviously he wasn't listening when I said I was bringing her back after lunch haha! He takes her in and they play around awhile before she is down for a nap.
- 1315- Drop my car off for an oil change and mama and I head to Spartanburg for things for Ella's party.
- 1330- Go to the Fresh Market to look for pink pretzels. They have cherry so I get 6 little cases of them for Ella's candy bar.
- 1400- Head to Party City to get the silverware and cups.
- 1430- Go to Toys R US to pick up the presents from Kimberly and Jeffrey. I learned something new. TRU does price matching. I found a doll that they were getting her online for half the price TRU was selling it for. They matched it to that price! So since we saved that money got her a toy Dyson vacuum too. I know she will love both gifts!
If you show them the Walmart.com price for this TRU will price match it! |
- 1500- Go to Costco to get all the food.
- 1600- Pick up my car from the oil change place.
- 1615- Get home. Put the baked spaghetti in the oven that we are going to take over to our friends' house that had a baby boy. Andrew and Ella are playing store. Ella walks up with her buggy decked out with her sunglasses and cross body purse. Andrew says, "Welcome to Daddy's Store! What would you like today?". He has various items set up on the coffee table. She picks out what she wants and hands him her fake dollar. This games goes on forever and forever :)

- 1630- I start melting the pink chocolate discs to pour over the kettle corn I bought from Costco to make pink popcorn for the candy bar for Ella's birthday party. I spread the popcorn all down my countertops to dry.
- 1700 Andrew and Ella eat supper. I'm still too full from lunch.
- 1730- The meal is ready to take to our friends. We pack up and head out.
- 1800- We get to our friend's and their cute little girl happily meets us at the door. She is so excited about her baby brother. I know she is going to be a great big sister! She shows Ella all her toys and lets her play with them. We visit for a while and I get to hold Mr. Colson. They have a fairly large dog that we knew Ella would want to see. He came running in and was so hyper. Ella just thought it was hilarious and wasn't scared at all!
Sweet Girls! |
Hello World! |
- 1930- We get home. Andrew gives Ella a bath and starts getting her ready for bed. She plays with one of her early birthday gifts from Grandma, a baby high chair and swing. One minute she wants it as a high chair, the next she makes Andrew turn it back into a swing. Andrew told her she was a typical girl always changing her mind!
- 2000- Andrew and Ella lay in bed and read some George books. Brush her teeth and she's off to bed. My legs feel like they are literally going to fall off because I had been going nonstop since I woke up. I start to wrap Ella's presents as Andrew is watching the Braves game.
These were Andrew's George books when he was little! |
- 2100- Start packing up the car with all the decorations for Ella's birthday party. There is literally hardly any room for anything else in my car and somehow I still have to pick up the balloons, cupcakes and fruit tray in the morning :) I get all the food together so it will be easy to leave in the morning. I lay out our clothes for the party.
- 2230- The Braves game is finally over and we can finally watch Scandal. So excited!
- 2400- I complain so much about my legs and feet hurting my sweet hubby gives me a massage. Then it is off to bed to rest before another busy day. I go to bed excited that it is about to be Ella's 2nd birthday!
WHEW what a BUSY Friday!!
Wow you did have a crazy day! The party was fab! Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a day! You just became my new hero! How can you get so much done? That's awesome!