Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Two Year Stats

Weight : 23 pounds (22nd percentile)
Height: 34.25 inches (57th percentile)
Head circumference: 19.5 inches (92th percentile - That's the McAbee in her right there :)  )
Diaper Size: just moved up to a 5
Shoe Size- 4 FINALLY and do you know how hard it is to find this size!?! Her feet are SO small!
Clothing size- Tops- She still fits in most her 18 month stuff but all her fall/winter stuff I bought is 24 months/2t
Pants- 18 months but starting to fit into her 2T :)

Naps- for 2-3 hours in the afternoon
Bedtime- She used to always be in bed by 730 but Andrew's work hours have recently changed to later. Now she tries her best to stay up and play with him as much as possible when he gets home. Now the latest she is in bed is by 845-9.
Wakes up- Normally between 7-8. Thankfully she will play around for a while in her crib till she starts screaming for Daddy! Then if I'm home it's Mama! MILK! I am somehow the milk getter :) Then she gets back in bed with Andrew for a little bit and watches George. She will then let you know when she is ready to EAT! EAT!

Fav Foods- Blueberries, Strawberries, Cheese, yogurt, squeezables, lemons, green beans and hotdogs. She could literally live with just eating that. She is a grazer and is done eating after only a few minutes. Must be how she keeps that girlish figure haha!

She loves to slide, swing, jump, play with her dolls, play store with daddy, clap, play in water, Curious George, church, gymnastics, draw, paint, sidewalk chalk, help cook, wash dishes, bath time and vacuum.

Fav place to eat- Chick Chick! aka Chick Fil A. Pretty sure its not for the food but instead the slide. Whenever we ride by she screams WHEEEE!

She doesn't like to hold your hand when walking. She is way too independent.
She hates hair bows which makes me sad because she has so many cute ones! Ahhh!
She doesn't like for you to turn down the radio. She will scream MUSIC UP! Then she resumes her head nodding and clapping.
She doesn't want to sit in the buggy anywhere long she wants to WALK! WALK!
When she is ready to leave somewhere or she isn't happy doing whatever it is she will start screaming BYE! BYE! PLEASE! ex- at the doctor, on the tractor at her birthday, when she is sleepy and we are out somewhere.
She doesn't like anything on her hands she says Mess! Mess! and won't stop till you get it off. She points out messes too in public or that a floor needs to be mopped. I only wish she cared about that at home LOL!
She doesn't like keeping socks and shoes on. Winter should be fun lol!

She is starting to put words together. She is saying new words all the time. I love hearing her say I love you! Ahh melts my heart!

I wish I had her memory! It's amazing how she remembers certain things/places even after a long time has passed since she has seen or done it. She remembers where stuff was placed which helps me out sometimes LOL. Recently when driving through downtown she pointed to where my husband works and said "Daddy works!".  We have only been there like twice and I couldn't believe she knew that. Then a few weeks ago Nana had a bad fall at Bojangles with Ella and scratched up her knee and elbow pretty badly. I had to put a bandaid on Ella's knee this week and she said Nana Boo Boo knee and bow. Whenever she sees Nana she still points to Nana's knee and elbow and says boo boo better. She was fixated for a while with PopPop splashing after seeing him jump off the diving board this summer and she still talks about it. Whenever she sees a helicopter she says PopPop. It took me a while to figure out why she associated that with him until Nana showed me in their photo album of Hawaii there is a picture of PopPop with a helicopter. So I guess she thinks he has one haha! Now her thing is YaYa (Uncle Jeffy) and his yatches aka watches. She also keeps her foot guarded when he comes around because he always says I'm going to get your foot! She is too funny!

She is growing up way too fast! We try to savor each and every moment as time passes by too quickly!

1 comment:

  1. 23lbs?! No wonder I almost threw her when I picked her up lol! It's amazing their memory and association with things! I found that in some stores a size 4 is in the baby section and in some it's in the toddler section. Madison recently moved to a 5 so we are fully in toddler shoes lol. Burlington and Walmart has great shoes in those sizes.
